Mont-Blanc Express et Verticalp Emosson
Come and discover the 3 VerticAlp Emosson rail installations and the magnificent natural site of Emosson by taking advantage of the combined public transport and VerticAlp Emosson offer!
- Return journey with the Mont-Blanc Express to Châtelard-Village from a Mont-Blanc Express station
- Return journey with the three VerticAlp Emosson rail installations
On sale :
- Mont-Blanc Express stations : TMR Voyages in Martigny, Gare des Marécottes, Gare de Finhaut
- Ticket vending machines : Martigny, Vernayaz, Salvan, Les Marécottes, Finhaut, Châtelard-Village, Châtelard-Frontière
Booking Mont-Blanc Express
email voyages@tmrsa.ch
link http://www.mont-blanc-express.ch
Avenue de la Gare 66
1920 Martigny